Son of the Nile (SOTN) Care Pack – 10 Books to Gift A School
KES 25,000.00
Teddy Warria’s poetic prose, simple in its form and yet sophisticated in its conceptualization and execution, speaks to the power of human connectedness based on shared universal human values including modesty, gratitude, courage, empathy, curiosity and collaboration and how these values dovetail into human development. Teddy’s profound message also speaks to the African philosophy of “ubuntu” which literally translates into: “I am because you are” and is achieved by simply connecting the complex nodes that bind us together as part of humanity. In Teddy’s poetic odyssey we collectively learn the importance of understanding ourselves through the past as we appreciate and contemplate the future in which we are bound by the shared human values. In sharing some guiding templates, Teddy is encouraging and challenging us to write our own stories for the benefit of posterity.